
Monday, August 8, 2011

Wedding Projects

This Wednesday, my sister and her fiance are getting married on the gorgeous shore of Lake Superior in Duluth, MN.

Then on Saturday, the reception is goin' down at my parent's house in the Twin Cities.  I have lots of decor and DIY projects planned, one being a photo table filled with pictures of my sister, her fiance, and their daughter.

 At mine and Dustin's wedding, we paid tribute to our parents and grandparents through a honorarium table.  Everyone loved the concept and it is a great way to personalize any event.

 I made these by cutting the photos to size, inserting them in a mason jars, and filling each jar with vegetable oil to give the photos an aged look.

Unlike my 'colorful vintage' style at our wedding, my sister's wedding is going to be modern with white, blue, and fuchsia as her colors... so obviously the oil isn't going to fit the bill.  Luckily, I do have some ideas up my sleeve to preserve the general idea but give it a modern, fresh feel. 

Can't wait to share the full day and all the DIY projects/entertaining ideas that go with it.

 Have a great week!


  1. Omg I posted today about Split rock light house! My family is going up north to Lake Superior next week, I haven't been up there since I was younger! We are taking my grandparents to the light house! The lighthouse will be a beautiful location for you sisters wedding! Happy Monday!

  2. We just visited the great lakes for the first time last spring. It was a lot more awe-inspiring than I thought it would be. Your sister's location looks lovely.

    Thanks for stopping by the ol' blog!

  3. Beautiful..I like these idea..very pretty!! Thanks so much for coming to my blog & leaving a sweet comment, I appreciate it!! I hope you'll come again! I remember Lake Superior well growing up in Michigan! Have a great day flower! x

  4. love your new banner! looks great with the grey background.

    so great you get to be apart and decorate your sister's wedding. i did a honor table for our grandparents at my wedding, i had a picture of each set of them on their wedding day... have you seen it? it's on one of the very first Wedding posts on my site

    can't wait to see pictures of your final work!

  5. Those pictures make me want to go there. The ideas are very pretty

  6. what a lovely idea! can't wait to see what you do for your sister!

  7. What a beautiful way to display the pictures! Great job!

  8. Oh I love this idea! I have used transparency paper to make copies onto for "wet" projects. You could use transparency paper photos in plain water...
    Just a thought.
    I know it will be beautiful, no matter what you end up doing!

  9. Congrats to your sister! What a beautiful place to tie the knot (c: I love your ideas for remembering loved ones at the wedding, so sweet and thoughtful...I'm glad you dropped by the blog so I could find yours!

  10. Hi Coley - thanks for your comments about my fox! I find your blog interesting with unique ideas - Best wishes - Alison

  11. Great to see pictures of the wedding and the cabin. Looks like you're having fun. Who's the cute guy standing behind you in the picture?
    Looking forward to seeing what you have done for Heather and Steve's reception.

  12. Nifty idea!!

    I LOVE Lake Superior. I grew up on the Canadian side of the lake and often vacation in Tofte, Duluth or even Grand Marais MN. What a gorgeous spot for a wedding!


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