
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Lake Shore Cabin

I am in the midst of wedding craziness but had to share a few photos of the past few days at the North Shore. 

The Lake Resort we rented was located on Lake Superior, Minnesota. Some cabins tend to go overboard with their 'woodsy decor', but this place had neutral, contemporary decor that led your eye to go to the real focal point...the view.



The light, bead-board walls were amazing. They added warmth and texture to each room. 

The stone fireplaces in each room were a natural extension from the space right outside the windows.

Cute little pops of color were scattered around in accessories.

 And because I was the only one looking at the decor of the place, here are a few more pics... 

My sister's ceremony spot on the rocky shore.

 Sister and brother-in-law's wedding ceremony.


Where is your favorite spot to vacation?


  1. I love lake cabins!! In my dream world, I have one. I agree...the decor can be tricky. I really adore the map of Lake Superior!

  2. Wow, this place is gorgeous! And I agree with Jennifer- my favorite thing (well, besides the whole house!) is the map piece. Super cute : ) Hope y'all are having a blast celebrating the wedding!

  3. Beautiful! I love that fireplace! It seems like your sister picked a beautiful place to celebrate marriage. Have fun!

  4. I love the cabins you are staying in! Your pictures are making me really excited for my upcoming trip up to Lake Superior! Have a fabulous weekend!

  5. ahhh lake cabins and weddings! :) Classic & beautiful without effort! I'm renewing my vows at my family's summer camp on a lake in a week (eeek! better get busy making stuff!) and I just love the idea. I hope your sister & her new husband have a very full and happy life together! :)
    @ Creative Kristi

  6. what gorgeous views! the absolute perfect place for a wedding!

    gorgeous cabin too! wow!

  7. I want to go to there.

    Following back from Growing Up Gardner!

  8. Oh my goodness - that house is beautiful! I've never been to Minnesota at all. I may have to add this to my list of future travels :)

  9. That is my dream holiday (vacation). It looks divine, thank you so much for sharing - i get to see a part of the world that I'll never get a chance to go to, so thanks for posting about it. My little moment of escapism!! x

  10. That place looks amazing!!
    Congrats to your sister and new brother-in-law!!
    So special to add people into the family <3

  11. We have been taking our "dream" vacation in Mazatlan, Pueblo Bonito Emerald Bay. It is so quiet and secluded and smells like I imagine what Heaven smells like.

    That said, my "dream" location for anything is Minnesota, but not normally so far north. I am from "north", so Northern,MN isn't as much of a dream loacal as gorgeous Mexico!


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