
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Power of (spray) paint

My husband loves auction sales... a little too much sometimes.  I'm not going to lie though, I love the goodies he brings home for me :)

  He got this vase awhile back for ONLY $1!
  LOVE the shape but the color doesn't really go with anything in my home.  Nothing a good can of glossy spray paint can't handle.



*When you looking for decor such as vases, photo frames, or bookends to fit into your home, look for the shape of the item, not only the color.  Color can always be changed.

*The finish of your paint (flat, gloss, etc.) really has an impact on the item.

*If spray painting, use multiple light coats instead of one heavy one to speed up drying time and prevent dripping.

*Don't underestimate the power of spray paint! Almost anything can be painted with the right prep and product.

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  1. i've never spray painted anything ... i want to spray paint something, haha, anything!

    you did a fabulous job!

  2. Love it! I'm always looking for awesome frames with the intention of spray-painting them whatever color I want.

  3. You put words to what I do...look at SHAPE rather than color etc. Spray paint rocks.

  4. cant go wrong with spray paint seriously a great way to change things around a bit and help it match whatever room you want to put that vase in, i have a spray paint project being posted soon!

  5. I LOVE spray painting. Its amazing how drastically you can change something with a little colour! You've got a super cute blog happening here!
    Katie (littlekatieontheprairie)

  6. You are a girl after my own heart--I LOVE spray paint! I would much rather use spray paint than anything else! You did a fabulous job, by the way!

  7. Looks the color! Hello, my name is Jennifer and I have a spray painting problem. I just spray painted dried branches with leaves. I do indeed have a problem. They look cool, though, and it was easy and cheap!!

  8. Great color! Super cute!

    xoxo from Trinidad

  9. Love this!
    How do you prep something like this? thanks,,,~~Patsy

  10. Great question, Patsy. All I did for this piece was clean it with rubbing alchohol to remove dust and residue.

  11. That is a great idea. The vase came out looking great.
    Thanks for stopping by. Hope you have a great week.

  12. Wow, love the new color. Thanks for popping in for a visit @ TheDedicatedHouse and the sweet comment. Have a great day! Tootles, Kathryn

  13. Hi Coley, thank you for visiting my blog! Following oyu back. That vase is beautiful! Great idea for painting it! I saw you went to Maria's class - you lucky dog! I'd love to take her class. Great job on changing the wall color! And saw you went to MN - my hub is from there, we've driven up to the northern shore/ Grand Marais. We stayed at the other big lodge across from the Luken Ski Resort - might be same name but on the water. Very cute old lodge. Nice to meet you!

  14. Love how it turned out. Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog about hotdog kebobs. Btw, you've got so much creativity here so I hope you can swing by and join my Creative Bloggers' Party & Hop :)

  15. Interesting shape and fun new color.

  16. Love the color. It certainly has a new, hip look!

    Thanks for linking to Potpourri Friday and helping to make it a success! I appreciate you!

  17. Huge improvement. Thanks for the spray painting tips, too. I am linking from 2805.

  18. I just love the shape and the color also.


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